Linn Vizard, Marie Serrano and Spencer. Beacock have created together a set of 20 cards that describe barriers to making change happen in the public sector with design approaches.
For each barrier they have written:
The barrier
The potential impact
A quote from an interview that describes the problem
In summary, the 20 barriers (in my own words) are:
Getting the tools without a full understanding
Bringing designers in without the culture being ready for it
Feeling service design is another buzzword
Being blocked in a certain way of working
No communication between departments
Not getting the physical space to do the work
Decision makers don't have the time
Fear of risk
Top leaders don't understand the reality on the ground
Digitally immature
Too much admin work to get anything done
Not ready to do research with end users
Used to projects with an end
Approval committee slow things down
Not fixing the right problem
Lack of budget for design work
Difficult to attract talent
Focus on credibility versus insight
Service Design is linked with a key person who might leave
Workplace rigidity